Our user feedback product at a glance

Collect User Feedback

Capture feedback in real-time with our intuitive feedback forms and advanced triggering rules.

Visualise & Analyse

Comprehensive visualisation and analysis of open text and scores. Explore the story behind your feedback data.

Improve & Engage

Discuss feedback with your team, assign automated exports, create reports and enable proactive communication.

Collect & Connect

Dynamic feedback tools capture data on websites and apps.

Event driven forms

Intelligent targeting based on live events and online customer behavior, optimised for all devices.

Form designer

Drag-and-drop all the questions and metrics you want to ask with our own form builder.

Simple .js deployment

Let’s not make things too complicated because all you need is one scripttag and you’re good to go.


Mopinion connects to all sources of customer feedback. We connect easily with API’s from other survey tools.

Native in-app

Need to capture feedback from your native app users? We easily integrate with iOS, Android and Windows.

Custom branding

Pink, green or deep purple? It doesn’t matter what type of branding, we’ll make sure it looks good.


Our native text analysis technology helps you to explore huge amounts of data.

Data visualisation

Bring data alive through comprehensive ways of visualisation for any device.

Text analytics

Captured a lot of open comments? Just use our text analytics engine based on Natural Language Processing.

Sentiment analysis

We help you understand the context of the feedback customers share with you and uncover the real issues.


Through intelligent ways of auto-categorisation with text-mining you will have a better overview.

In-chart filtering

Compare different variables, zoom-in to relevant trends and click right through to the verbatims.

Smart labelling

Our smart labelling tools help you to categorise issues and track how they evolve over time.

Activate & Collaborate

Ready for change? We take you from insight to action.

Proactive alerts

As soon as anything important happens our system notifies you through live email alerts.


We let feedback flow through your company and deliver it from A to B. We track actions and visualise progress.

Facilitated actions

Identify customers at risk as well as happy customers. Tasks can be assigned based on your set of rules.

Role-based views

Feedback is visualised according to the different roles of your employees and business processes.

Connect PM tools

Love your Project Management tools? Push tasks for your team members directly into apps like Trello or Asana.

Internal benchmarking

Setup meta dashboards to see how funnels on your website are performing compared to the ones in your apps.


Proactively manage risky situations and connect with your customers.

Close the loop

Directly engage with the customer through our platform. We make it possible to act on the feedback you receive.

Goal setting

Following your business rules, responsible employees are notified to act whenever expectations are not met.

Publish results

Publish feedback results directly to your online channels and stimulate engagement.

Response templates

Use unlimited response templates tailored to your business to engage with customers in a consistent way.

Service recovery

Set service standards to ensure that you deliver on customer expectations with automatic actions and alerts as needed.

CRM integration

Mopinion integrates with major CRM sytems like Salesforce and MS Dynamics.

Marketleaders trust Mopinion

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